15. 7. 2011


Hellooo everybody! I haven't been here for a while. I am kinda in a rush. I came from Croatia 11 of July, 13 of July I was on the way on the train to see new Harryho Potter 7 part 2!, than I have had a few meetings here in my town with my friends. Tomorrow I am planning to watch baseball match and on Monday, my cousin is coming, she is here until Wednesday and on Wednesday my crew called "Famous Six" (hehe..:D random name:D) is coming to my place. They are here until Friday and on Saturday I am leaving for 1 week (I am going to Orava). Busy!! :)) But anyway, Harry Potter was totally awesomeeeeeeee. I was crying when Fred died ( Yea, I had read book 2 times, but it's so emotional..:D) and I want to watch it one more time. And...I don't know what to do..No new harry Potter anymore..:(((( We had got a poster of Harry Potter (because it was pre-view)  and I put it in a frame :D Okay..Anyways.. I am working on "a few randoms things about me"...Hopefully, soon.!!

Okay bye bye

(too lazy to translate it to my language, I know it super simple but anyway it's almost mid-night!!)

© MichaelaGap

3 komentáre:

  1. Oh I loved the movie too. My best friend wants to see it again as soon as possible, haha. :D And actually, I am thinking of seeing it again too ;DD

  2. Ahoj
    zmenila som URL adresu svojho blogu
    budem rada ak ma budeš aj naďalej sledovať

  3. čavko, zdrávím ťa. :))
    Moj blog nájdeš na novej webovej stránke: http://innocentwaterlily.blogspot.com/ :)

    Tešíme sa na randomy. °-*
