8. 5. 2011

I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts.

Verse from song 100 suns by 30 Seconds to Mars. I am sad. Slovakia ended in World-championship in ice hockey. So pity..But what ever. I have new lipsticks and much more stuff ('cause i am having really good weekend jee! :) ) On Friday I was on the Square in my town to watch ice hockey. What a atmosphere!! Love it! :) On Saturday I went to check out our baseball players (and shop make up and jewelry :D ) with my friends Karin and LINDA :) I've changed the design. Simplicity is still there, but much more elegant in my opinion ;) I love this font! :D and now photos! First 3 necklaces are from my grandmother, she gave it to me.:)

Verš je z pesničky 100 suns od 30 Second to Mars. Som smutná. Slovensko včera vypadlo. Celú noc som sa budila na ten smútok. Mala by som prestať to tak prežívať. Je to škoda, ale čo narobíme. Mám nové rúže (presne tri a dokopy ich je 27! v mojej zbierke myslím :) ) a iné veci, pretože mám super víkend. :) V piatok som bola na námestí v meste kuknuť hokej. Aká atmosféra. Kvôli tomuto sa mi chce plakať!!! úplne som si to zamilovala. Už od 8 rokov :) Včera som bola vonku s Karin a LINDOU pozrieť baseballistov a nakúpiť nejakú tú bižutku a make up :D Zmenila som design. Stále jednoduchý ale viac elegantný povedala by som :) Milujem toto písmo!.. a teraz fotky! :) Prvé 3 náhrdelníky sú od mojej babky, ktorá mi ich dala :)

© MichaelaGap

 Jewelry from House:

I can't remember the shop where I've bought glasses, sorry :/ 


 my collection. I am big fan of Avon's NATURALS collection especially body sprays. I own almost every body spray, cause i use it as i perfume (because of that natural smell !:) )
 Lipstick from Avon called COUNTRY ROSE (my favorite!) Limited edition

Miss sporty: I love lipstick from this brand, because they are smelling so beautifully!

 Number 009 Innocence
 Number 032- New age
 Number 008- Pink champagne 

 From left: Pink Champagne, New Age, Innocence, Country Rose-Avon
 Clean & Clear (I LOVE THIS BRAND!) My daily Moisturizer (I love it, but it was kinda expensive compared to another moisturizers), Nivea- tinted moisturizer ( just in one shade, that's not the best, sheer coverage, but perfect for summer when I will be tanned and because of that light coverage)!- It's little bit dark right now. And new foundation Miss sporty- So clear (anti-blemish for young skin) in shade 1- light.

3 komentáre:

  1. Thank you for the lipstick swatches! :) I'm really loving Innocence but I've never heard of the brand before in Australia :(

    And I agree completely about that Nivea tinted moisturiser, I find it's the best for evening out the skin tone when you're in a rush :D

  2. Miss sporty is brand that you can find just in Europe, SLovakia and maybe Czech republic (i am not sure.) I live in small country (big with big heart! :)) and this brand is for teens girls, who are not paying so much for make up. They are cheap but really good quality for that price! :)

  3. Náhrdelník z House-u, červený rúž, voňavé spreje sú mega <3
